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  Building a community that is  Faithful + Connected + Compassionate  

 Faith Formation 

Vacation Bible School registration is now open. It will be held on Zion from Monday, August 7-Thursday, August 10 from 6-8 pm. All kids ages 4 through kids going into 5th grade may attend. Please fill out the registration form.

FuZion (for K-6th Grade):  Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 3:10 - 5:30 pm. Fall class start on October 4th. Please fill out a registration form for your child. We are looking forward to another great year!

Confirmation (for 7th-8th Grade): Classes and activities help youth explore faith, scripture, and the Lutheran tradition as they prepare to affirm their baptism in the fall of 9th grade.  For additional details, please check the Confirmation page.


ZLCW Circle Bible Study: Women of the congregation gather monthly for Bible study and fellowship organized through the Zion Lutheran Church Women organization. 


Short-term Bible Studies and Classes: These 4-6 week classes provide a chance to explore scripture, theology, and daily faith topics. 

Monday Bible Study: Meets from 10:30 am at Crystal Season. A study that incorporates prayer, contemplative silence, and sharing as a way to deepen our understanding of the Gospel lesson for the coming Sunday. 


 Music  & Worship 

Music for our Sunday worship services is provided by the Adult Choir, Sunday School, and our SonRise worship band. New members of these groups are always welcome!

We worship Sundays at 9:00 am, and a dedicated group of volunteers livestreams the service to Zion's Facebook page

 Zion Lutheran Church Women (ZLCW) 

ZLCW is a way for women of all ages to be engaged in study, fellowship and mission together.  Annual fundraisers help support Camperships, local ministry organizations, Bibles for Zion's 3rd graders, and much more. Three circles gather monthly for Bible Study and also provide caring hospitality for funerals.

 Ministry Teams and Council 

Six ministry teams provide leadership for the ministries of the congregation: Finance & Stewardship, Social Ministry, Youth Ministry, Membership & Outreach, Worship, Music & Adult Education, and Buildling & Grounds. These teams invite others to get involved in ways that honor their gifts and build up the community. 

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