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  • Kristi Grindstaff

Celebrating Zion's Ministry

Our 2015 Annual Meeting took place on January 31, 2016. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the ministry we've been a part of in 2015, and to plan for our future.

Annual Meetings are notorious for being dull business, so we decided to try a new approach: telling stories and offering thanks. And we concluded in prayer for our community, the world, and our congregation. It was a life-giving time together!

As our lay leaders spoke, we heard stories about friendships being formed, about the excitement of neighborhood children to attend our Community VBS, and the delight of a young college student at Crossroads Campus Ministry when our goulash lunch brought back memories of his grandma!

Another bit of good news was that, thanks to a loan review by Thrivent Financial, the remaining morgage from the 2005 renovation has been refinanced. With our interest reduced by 1.75%, and our monthly payments reduced by $774, we will save substantially as we continue to make steady progress on retiring the debt.

In case you missed it, I shared this video during my Pastor's Presentation. Many thanks to Laurie Jacobs for being our official Zion photographer and documenting our life together so well!

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