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Kristi Grindstaff

Summer of Spiritual Practices: The Path of Distractions

During these summer months, our scripture readings lead us into a season of growth as disciples of Jesus Christ, where we get to put down deep spiritual roots and "leaf out" into new prayer practices that draw us closer to the Sun (and the Son).

Each week, I'll be inviting the congregation to try a simple spiritual practice as a way to connect what we've heard preached on Sunday with our daily walk of discipleship.

In this week's reading, Jesus sets his face to go to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), displaying a single-minded focus and commitment to fulfilling his mission of salvation. What does it look like for you to set your face on Jesus in your daily life? Where do you face distractions in that walk, and where do you see the fruits of the Spirit revealed?

Download this week's Spiritual Practice, and experience the traditional practice of Examen. This practice will help you become more consciously aware of God's presence with you each day, each step of your journey, as you set your face to following Jesus.

Peace be with you!

Pastor Andrea

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