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  • Kristi Grindstaff

Worshiping at Home during Holy Week & Easter

In this time of world-wide crisis, congregations throughout this church are not able to gather for worship in our sanctuaries. While we cannot be together in person, we can hear the word of God and hold each other in prayer.

To that end, we are providing resources for you and those with whom you live for praying together during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday. A paper copy of this has been mailed to all Zion households, or you can download these At-Home Holy Week & Easter Resources.

While Easter is a joyful festival, this year we observe it in a time of difficulty and worldwide sorrow. Still, we believe that Christ is with us in his word, by his Spirit drawing us together as one before God. And we believe that the gospel of Christ gives us strength amid distress and comfort in the face of our sufferings.

As a sign of our unity as the body of Christ, you might consider using these resources for prayer at the time you would have ordinarily gathered for worship at Zion (6:45 pm on Thursday and Friday, or 9:00 am on Sunday morning).

Consider also how you might set up a “home altar” to use this week, and the physical symbols you could set out for each service. For Thursday, a bowl of water, clean towels and a pitcher for hand washing. For Friday, a simple cross or crucifix. For Easter Sunday, a candle and a bowl of water.

Christ is risen! Pastor Andrea Myers Zion Lutheran Church of Lake Crystal, MN

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