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  • Kristi Grindstaff

May 3, 2020 Sunday Worship Resources

Updated: Jun 7, 2020

On Sunday, May 3, 2020 Zion will gather as an online community for Sunday worship and fellowship. We invite you to join us! Update: Recording Now Available

9:00 a.m.: Service of the Word led by Pastor Andrea will be streamed live on Zion's Facebook page. An online bulletin with readings and responses is available to download.

9:30 a.m.: Musical offering by Sheldon Meyer, Zion's regular organist. He will be going live on his own Facebook page and we will share it to the Zion page as well.

10:00 a.m. Join us for a virtual coffee hour! Click on the link below with a device that has a camera. (If you've never joined a Zoom meeting before, you'll want to download the Zoom Client app before the start of the gathering.) You’ll be asked to allow the program to use “computer audio” – please agree. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you!

Meeting ID: 662 798 543 Password: 028537

Or Call: 1 312 626 6799 and provide the Meeting ID and password listed above.

The season of Easter (which continues through the Feast of Pentecost on May 31) is a joyful celebration. This year we observe it in a time of difficulty and worldwide sorrow. Still, we believe that Christ is with us in his word, by his Spirit drawing us together as one before God. And we believe that the gospel of Christ gives us strength amid distress and comfort in the face of our sufferings.

This Week's Announcements:

  • Zion Food drive for the Sharing Shelf: Collection dates set to pick up food are May 4th and May 5th. Pick up time will be after 10:00 am. We are looking for 3-4 volunteers to help pick up food and deliver it to the Sharing Shelf. Contact Rod Isebrand at 507-380-3351 to help or make a donation. Food items currently needed: Canned Chicken, Canned Tuna, Peanut Butter, Flour, Sugar, Oil, Toilet Paper & misc. Canned Vegetables. (Please check expiration dates). Food can be set out on your front step. Please put food in a box or bags. We have a Thrivent Action Team grant that will supplement any food donations collected for this worthy cause.

  • Caring Coins donations will be received throughout the month of May and will be divided between Partners for Affordable Housing (April’s designee for which gifts were not collected) and Committee Against Domestic Abuse (May’s designee). Gifts can be given by check, cash or through regular eGiving options (online or the Give+ app). If paying by check or with cash, be sure to indicate that your gift is for Caring Coins so our weekly counters are aware. Thank you for your kindness and generosity during these challenging times!

  • The deadline for Zion Scholarships has been extended to May 14. Forms are available on the church website. Be sure to turn your application and requested documentation in to be considered for this scholarship!

  • Thank you for your faithful financial support of Zion’s ministries during this challenging time. It’s been wonderful to see how many of you have continued to share your offerings as you’d planned for 2020. Offering can be mailed to the Church Office (PO Box 236, Lake Crystal). Please consider our eGiving options for making one-time or recurring donations electronically. Details available at:

  • In-Person worship services continue to be suspended until further notice. Worship services are being streamed via Facebook so that we can gather as a virtual community for prayer, reflection, and praise.

  • In-Person Zion activities are also suspended. By agreement of the Congregation Council during the April 15 meeting, this suspension will continue while Minnesota’s Stay at Home order is in effect (currently through May 17). We encourage groups to meet via videoconferencing; please contact Pastor Andrea if you’d like her assistance with setting up a “Zoom” meeting for your group.

  • The Church Office will be closed to visitors until further notice. Mary will be working in the church building beginning on Monday, May 4 and can be reached by phone at 507-726-2849.

  • News and updates are being shared primarily through the church website and Facebook and, when appropriate, by mail. The May newsletter will be mailed this week.

  • Pastor Andrea is available for conversation and prayer! Please reach out to her by phone or text at 507-402-1114. She’s also happy to schedule one-on-one pastoral visits via Zoom video conferencing.

  • The Monday “Dwelling on the Word” study has shifted to an online format. You’re invited to join us for a time of prayer, reflection and conversation as we consider the gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday. To join us on Monday at 11:00, please go to:

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