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April Council Minutes

Kristi Grindstaff

Zion Lutheran Church

“To Make Jesus Known to All in Our Words and Actions”

Council Meeting Minutes – April 15th, 2020

Present: Lisa Barden, Susan Gengler, Linda Isebrand, Rod Isebrand, Adam Jones, Dan Lowis, Matt Strum, Pastor Andrea Myers, Karin Scruggs.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by President Dan Lowis.

  1. Devotions: Pastor Andrea led the meeting with a devotions and prayer.

  2. “God Sightings”

Council members were invited to share their reflections about where they saw God at work during their lives.

  1. Approve Agenda

Additions to the agenda: 6. Other Reports: Membership and Outreach Ministry Team Report

8. a. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Recap. 8. b. Covid-19 Discussions

President Dan Lowis declared the agenda “approved”.

  1. Thank You Notes


  1. Reports: Consent Agenda – Consent agendas reports were emailed prior to the meeting. Additions and corrections are noted below:

  2. Secretary’s Report (Adam Jones):

  3. Statistical Reports:

  4. Pastor’s Report:

  5. Finance and Stewardship Ministry Team (*Rod Isebrand, Mike Thompson, and Howard Ward)

  6. Social Ministry Team (Beth Dostal, *Linda Isebrand and Judy Meyer)

  7. Building and Grounds Ministry Team (*Mike Bottin, Tony Jacobs and Jay Spencer)

  8. Youth Ministry Team (Kris Anderson,*Susan Gengler, Karin Scruggs)

  9. Worship, Music and Adult Fellowship Ministry Team (Janet Becker, Mary Goodrich, *Mackenzie Jones):

  10. Treasurer’s Report (Joe Atkinson)

*Indicates Ministry Team Chair

President Dan Lowis declared the consent agenda adopted.

  1. Other Reports

  2. Membership and Outreach Ministry Team (*Lisa Barden, Dave Carlson, Kristee Richards): Unsure at this time whether or not we can do Moondog tickets this summer (may not be playing), will look ahead to winter for MSU Hockey or Basketball tickets. There is currently 3 couples willing to be mentors for new members, with the Ministry Team facilitating those mentor relationships. The Via de Cristo program will be taking place in November and is in need of sponsorships, possibility of Zion doing that. Also planning a survey of the possibility of an Adult Mission Trip or in conjunction with the kids.

  3. Old Business

  4. Mortgage Refinance: Rod was able to talk with Thrivent about refinancing Zion’s Mortgage with them. Our current rate is 3.8% and the new rate would be 3.5%. The costs of doing it would be 1% upfront, which is a dead end for now.

  5. Nominating Team Openings: There is currently 2 spots open on the Nominating Committee. Matt Strum will give an update at the next meeting.

  6. New Business

  7. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Recap: The Executive Council had meet earlier to approve the application of Federal Stimulus monies through the CARES Act, called the Paycheck Protection Program. It is a forgivable loan through the government to keep people employed during the pandemic. If 75% of the money is used for payroll, the loan is forgivable. If not, it must be repaid at 1% interest. Zion applied for $24,917, which is 2.5 months payroll. Kari Gustafson was working on the application but have not heard back yet from the bank.

  8. Covid-19 Discussions:

  9. General: What do we need as a church/community? Concerns with 70+ age group of the congregation and needing to connect with them. Possibly matching up families with other congregants. Will develop a lists and send it to the leadership team. There was some Thrivent Money for use during the Men’s Lenten Supper that didn’t get used. Will look at using it for the food shelf.

  10. Financials: Offering is continuing to come in through the mail. Currently $16,000 in general fund, $6,900 in non-benevolence. Need around $20,000 a month to stay current with bills. Should be good for another month. Building fund is good for 3 months. Will send giving statements at the end of April.

  11. Worship Practices: If stay at home order ends, when do we start church again? Will continue with live broadcast. Will need to develop an “if/when” process chart to guide our decisions going forward. Live stream of worship has been difficult, may need to purchase other equipment to make the recording audible. Will delegate those decisions to the Worship and Music Ministry Team. Unfortunately, Church gatherings will be epicenters of virus transmission going forward, and will need a plan in place for all events.

  12. Office and Building Operations: Mary Gilman will continue working from home, along with Pastor Andrea working from her home. When they begin working at the office, access to the office will be limited. Possible drop-box installed for people wanting to drop off items for the office. Building and Grounds will look into that.

  1. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer at 8:53pm

Next meeting is May 20th, at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Adam Jones, Secretary

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