Lent 2021 Sermon Series (Wednesdays 6:45 pm on Facebook Live)
Understanding and Countering Your Fears February 24
Crime, Race, Terrorism, and Politics March 3
Failure, Disappointing Others, Insignificance, and Loneliness March 10
Apocalypse, Change, Missing Out, and Finances March 17
Aging, Illness, Dying, and the Fear of the Lord March 24
Lent 2021 Book Study
Books available for purchase at a special price of $10. To reserve your copy, please contact the church office.
Small Groups on Zoom: Join a small group and connect with others as we discuss each week’s theme! The sessions will last about an hour, and include a brief video and discussion facilitated by Pastor Andrea. Reading the book is encouraged, but not required! To join a Small Group, please sign up online or contact the church office. The following meeting times will be available:
Sundays at 10:00 am (Feb 21, 28, Mar 7, 14, 21)
Mondays at 6:00 pm (Feb 22, Mar 1, 8, 15, 22)
Wednesdays at noon (Feb 24, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24)
Please sign up for your Small Group by Ash Wednesday (Feb 17)!
About the Theme: By some counts, there are 365 verses when the Bible assures us to “Fear not” or “Be not afraid”! But how are we to do this when we’re navigating uncertain times like these? This Lent we will be learning how to untangle the knots of fear and restore peace of mind as we study Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope by Adam Hamilton (author of Half Truths, our Lent 2019 theme).
Drawing on fresh research, psychology, biblical principles and personal testimony, Hamilton helps us untangle these knots of fear and to embrace Jesus’s counsel, “Do not be afraid.” Along the way, we’ll learn spiritual practices that can bring real peace to us when we are struggling through uncertain times.
You will have several opportunities this Lent to explore our Lent theme. Deepen your faith and your connection with your congregation by attending mid-week worship and signing up for a Small Group today!