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Worship Guidelines for Returning to the Sanctuary (beginning September 13)

Kristi Grindstaff

As we prepare to resume worshiping in the sanctuary, the following guidelines for worship have been developed so that Zion can worship safely and mitigate the risks of COVID-19 spread.

These guidelines are based on Zion’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan and reflect guidance from ELCA and public health sources. Please be patient with pastor, leaders, and one another as we learn new routines and exercise our care for one another.

  • Enter the building through the main entrance on Robinson Street, and exit the sanctuary or Narthex through the East doors onto Crystal Street. As you enter:

  • Please use hand sanitizer or wash your hands in the restroom.

  • Please put on your mask or other face covering. Masks will be provided for those who arrive without one.

  • Pick up a bulletin and drop off any offerings at the table as you enter, or use your smartphone to access Zion’s eGiving tools. The plates will not be passed during worship.

  • In order to maximize our capacity within the safe-distancing requirements, the pews have been disconnected and rearranged into groupings of various sizes in the sanctuary and Narthex. Our maximum capacity (if every chair is used) is 105.

  • Ushers will assist you in finding seating that is appropriate for you or your household, so that we can accommodate everyone.

  • Please try to fill the sanctuary from front to back.

  • Seating in the balcony will be restricted to worship leaders.

  • The worship service is somewhat abbreviated. Congregational responses are limited, and congregational singing will be limited to one verse of a hymn.

  • Communion will be offered weekly. Distribution will take place at the end of the service, as you leave the worship space. A paper cup will contain a wafer and cup of wine/grape juice. Please pick up the elements as the communion assistant proclaims the promise that these are the body and blood of Christ, given and shed for you.

  • Maintain safe (6+ feet) distance from others, and avoid handshakes, hugs, elbow-taps, or other contact that do not honor safe-distancing precautions.

  • If you’ve been at a church activity within 7 days of receiving a positive COVID-19 test, please notify Pastor Andrea.

Members and guests should stay at home and worship online if they or anyone in their household is sick or has symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell. Persons who are at higher risk for severe illness (elderly or underlying health conditions) are strongly encouraged to stay home and worship online.

The Congregation Council will continue to monitor local case activity and will notify the congregation via email and Facebook should circumstances require changes to our worship plans.

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