Zion Lutheran Church
Lake Crystal, Minnesota
“We have many parts in one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function. In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other.” (Romans 12:4-5, CEB)
Zion Lutheran church is a vibrant community where people of all ages can know Jesus and make Jesus known to the world. In spite of 2020’s pandemic crisis and the many ways it has disrupted our congregational life, Zion’s identity remains unchanged. We are Connected Together, One in Christ.
The stories shared in these three Connected Together Temple Talks remind us that even when our worship services aren’t “normal,” and many gatherings are “virtual,” our connection as a faith community is quite real!
This has been a year of improvisation and experimentation for Zion. We continue to carry out our mission and ministry, but we’re doing it in new ways! Events and programs like Community VBS and Confirmation have been reimagined so that we can continue to form our children and youth in Christian faith. Care for our congregation is increasingly reliant on phone calls, emails, and the mail, as members and our pastor reach out to offer prayers and personal support. Small group gatherings for planning or Bible Study often happen now on Zoom as well as in person.
It’s not easy to experience so much change at once, both as a church and as a wider community. Yet we can look to the future with confident trust that God is leading us into a new season of ministry that will require even more innovation! The world is spiritually hungry for meaning, purpose, and a way of living together that is rooted in the love and mercy of Jesus. Now, more than ever, we are called to make Jesus known to all in our words and actions!
We invite you to participate in this year's stewardship appeal by completing this online Statement of Intent for ministry support in 2021.
Your joyful participation will move us closer to the goal of 125 statements of intent received, and help us continue to innovate for the future.
2020 Accomplishments
Worship has continued uninterrupted despite suspension of in-person services in March 2020; Zion has held 21 online services, 11 outdoor services, and resumed worship in the sanctuary on September 13.
Implemented livestreaming for all in-person worship services.
Established financial stability in a time of tremendous challenge, including the full repayment of Zion’s line of credit balance.
Grew eGiving participation to 43 households (up from 33 last year). Zion now receives 41% of all offerings electronically.
Fulfilled our commitments to benevolence organizations (Bible Camps, Lutheran Social Services and Crossroads Campus Ministry).